Events: The logic and psychology of confirmation and information search
The logic and psychology of confirmation and information search
Munich, 26 February 2013
The workshop is the mid-term event within a three-year research project funded by the DFG on Models of information search: A theoretical and empirical synthesis. The project is part of the wider DFG Priority Program New frameworks of rationality (SSP 1516), launched in 2010 to promote the collaboration between psychologists, philosophers and other related research communities towards an integrated approach to the study of human rationality. The meeting is free to attend and will take place in the Statistics Seminar Room, Ludwigstrasse 31/33, first floor.
9:30 Welcome and coffee
10:00 Björn MEDER and Jonathan NELSON (MPI Berlin)
_Is people’s information search behavior sensitive_
_ to different reward structures?_
_ _10:30 Vincenzo CRUPI (University of Turin, MCMP)
_Pathways between Bayesian confirmation theories_
_ and models of information search_
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Laura MARTIGNON (Ludwigsburg)
_On mermaids and princesses_
12:00 Katya TENTORI (Trento)
_ Probability vs. _confirmation judgments : A comparison
_ in accuracy and test-retest reliability_
12:30 Gustavo CEVOLANI (Bologna)
_ Similarity, verisimilitude, and information_