The proceedings from the Sixth Symposium at Royaumont in 1962 were titled Le concept d’information dans la science contemporaine (The Concept of Information in Contemporary Science) and were published three years later in Paris in 1965 by Les Éditions de Minuit.

In attendance were Norbert Wiener, Gilbert Simondon, Martial Gueroult, Giorgio de Santillana, Lucien Goldmann, Benoit Mandelbrot, René de Possel, Jean Hyppolite, André Michel Lwoff, Abraham Moles, Ferdinand Alquié, Henryk Greniewski, Helmar Frank, Jiri Zeman, François Bonsack, Louis Couffignal, Albert Perez, Maurice de Gandillac, Ladislav Tondl, Gilles-Gaston Granger, and Stanislas Bellert, among others.

All 425 pages have been compressed into a manageable pdf (in French).

You can download it here: The Concept of Information in Contemporary Science (53.6 MB).

From the Philosophy of Information & Communication website.