Workshop at the Fifth World Conference on Universal Logic
25-30 June 2015
University of Istanbul

In this workshop we want to approach the relation between logic and information from the perspective of the philosophy of information, as well as from a logical perspective, and draw attention to a number of questions that have historically received attention, or have only been individuated in recent years. These include the possibility of a genuine informational conception of logical consequence, the relation between informational and computational approaches, the relation between information and logics of questions, and the difference between (what van Benthem calls) implicit informational stances in logic like that of intuitionist logic and explicit stances like that of epistemic logic.

more information

Keynote speaker

Luciano Floridi (OII, Oxford University)

Call for abstracts

Extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) should be sent via e-mail before November 15th 22nd 2014 to:


The workshop is hosted by Universal Logic 2015 and organised in collaboration with the Society for the Philosophy of Information.
Workshop chairs are: Patrick Allo and Giuseppe Primiero